The Best Roulette Strategies 2024: Improve Your Chances Of Winning

Susanna Bock
Susanna Bock Author
Casino Strategist

Roulette has always been the cornerstone of every casino. This game is easy to grasp, offers fantastic winning opportunities, and simply embodies the true essence of casino ambiance – whether it's 100 years ago in the esteemed Casino de Monte-Carlo or today in a modern online crypto casino.

The fact is: Roulette is timeless! Thus, every reputable crypto casino includes this classic game in its portfolio. To enhance your chances of winning, we've compiled the best Roulette strategies along with practical examples.

Roulette Strategy

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With the right tactics to secure profit?

The question of the right strategy in roulette is just as old as the game itself. Does it exist, the secret winning formula with which one can playfully make a fortune and drive entire casinos into bankruptcy? If you really thought so, we have to disappoint you here: No, there aren't. Or at least we don't know them.

But what we do know very well are the various strategies that you can use to at least maximize your chances of winning at roulette. Ever since the first little metal ball whizzed through a roulette wheel, mathematicians and gamblers have been searching intensively for a way to beat the system - and have come to interesting results. But: Roulette is and remains a game of chance! As much as the brightest minds deal with the subject - no strategy leads to a sure win.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to approach the matter with a system: That is why, in this article, we will introduce you to the best and most popular roulette strategies and explain their advantages and disadvantages. Specifically, we focus on the roulette game with cryptocurrencies. Because the digital coins give the popular casino game another dimension - and open up entirely new possibilities and opportunities for you as a player!

Before we look at each individual strategy in detail, here is an initial overview:

Strategy Risk Level Complexity Betting Pattern General Features
Martingale High Low Progressive Doubling after a loss; very risky in long losing streaks
Paroli Medium Low Progressive Increase stakes after wins; opposite of Martingale
D’Alembert Medium Medium Linear Increase/Decrease by one unit after loss/win
Reverse Fibonacci Medium Medium Progressive Reverse Fibonacci sequence after wins
Parlay Variable Low Accumulative Reinvesting winnings in subsequent bets
Labouchère Medium to High High Sequence-based Bet is the sum of the first and last numbers in a series
Red System Medium Medium Specific Focus on betting on red numbers with additional bets
Shotwell Medium Medium Specific Fixed betting pattern on specific numbers and rows

1. The Martingale strategy

The Martingale strategy is probably the best-known roulette system and promises the player guaranteed winnings without risk of loss. With this system, you bet on simple chances and try to compensate for your losses by doubling your stakes.

Advantages Disadvantages
quick and easy to understand table and budget limits quickly reached
ideal for high rollers high losses in a short period of time

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

The Martingale strategy assumes that with a payout of 1:1 in Even Odds, you can easily make a profit equal to your basic bet by using a doubling trick to compensate for the losses suffered.

In concrete terms, this means that if you lose, you simply bet twice your basic stake the next time to still make a profit.

Let's take a closer look: Imagine you are playing in the crypto casino of your choice with Ethereum. For example, if you bet 5 ETH on red and the ball lands on a red square, you will receive 5 ETH as a win.

However, if the ball comes to rest on a black field, you lose.

This is where the Martingale strategy comes into play: in the next round of the game, you no longer bet 5 ETH, but double it - i.e. 10 ETH - on simple chances. If you win, you get 20 ETH. You lost 5 ETH in the first round, but after doubling your stake in the second round, you still made a profit of 5 ETH.

If you also lose in the second round, you double your bet again, i.e., bet 20 ETH. The total bet is now 35 ETH (5 + 10 + 20). If you are right now, you win 40 ETH. So, your total profit is still 5 ETH.

At first glance, this roulette strategy looks simple and quite promising. But you also need to be aware of the risks of the martingale system:

In every online casino, there is a minimum and a maximum limit at the table. Your gaming budget is probably not infinite, either. If you now have a bad luck streak and lose a few rounds in a row, you will quickly have reached the table or your personal budget limit.

To make the whole thing even clearer: Imagine your starting stake is 5 ETH. If you lose ten times in a row (and that's not uncommon in roulette) you would have to bet 2,560 ETH in a single spin to recoup your losses. Overall, i.e., together with your previous bets, you would have to raise 5,115 ETH to compensate for your losses and achieve a plus of ONLY 5 ETH (!).

Fun Fact: The Martingale strategy is also known as the Martingale de Casanova. Because as early as the 18th century, the Venetian writer Giacomo Casanvo - today the epitome of the modern womanizer - relied on this game system. As he noted in his memoir “Story of My Life”, Casanova achieved high profits with the Martingale strategy after initial gambling luck - only to lose everything (and much more) again.

2. The Paroli strategy

The Paroli strategy is - just like the Martingale strategy - a so-called progressive betting system, in which you adjust your bets depending on whether you lose or win. But now comes the big difference: The Paroli system tries to exploit the weaknesses of the martingale strategy with the aim of giving you as a player an advantage. With this system, you always play with your basic bet and 1:1 wins until you lose. As soon as that happens, you start again with your basic bet.

Advantages Disadvantages
quick and easy to understand can sometimes take a long time
ideal for newcomers
usually no big losses

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

Basically, the Paroli strategy works similarly to the Martingale system. With the difference that you don't double your bet when you lose, but when you win. In this way, you can achieve considerable profits with a relatively small basic stake and a lucky streak.

In concrete terms, this means: We assume that you are playing again with Ethereum in your favorite crypto casino. Imagine you set your basic bet at 1 ETH. Now you bet this amount on a simple chance.

If you lose, you simply start a new game round with your basic bet - i.e. 1 ETH.

But if you're right (1st paroli), you win 1 ETH and now have a total of 2 ETH on the table. You now bet this amount again on a Simple Chance.

If you win again (2nd challenge), you have 4 ETH and thus quadrupled your stake of 1 ETH in just 2 rounds!

If you are lucky a third time (3rd challenge), you already have 8 ETH and thus 7 ETH profit.

But now the pitfalls of the Paroli strategy are already becoming apparent: as soon as you lose, your entire profit is gone again! It is therefore important to stop at the right moment and not to become greedy. It is best to set a limit before the first round as to how many Paroli you will play before you put your winnings aside.

Here is the overview of probabilities for successive paroli:

Number of paroli Profit (incl. basic stake of 1 ETH) Probability
1 2 ETH 48,60%
2 4 ETH 23,60%
3 8 ETH 11,50%
4 16 ETH 5,60%
5 32 ETH 2,70%
6 64 ETH 1,30%
7 128 ETH 0,60%

Nevertheless, the Paroli strategy is particularly low-risk. You're only playing for your relatively small stake and still have the chance to hit big wins with a good streak of 3 or 4 hits in a row.

3. The D'Alembert strategy

The D'Alembert strategy is considered one of the beginner-friendly systems in roulette and can be learned in just a few minutes. In this strategy, you use a series of numbers. After each loss, you increase your bet by one unit - after each win, you decrease your bet by one unit. The mathematical principle behind this strategy states that a player who is right as often as wrong will end up winning.

Advantages Disadvantages
low risk of loss no big wins
ideal for newcomers can take a long time

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

We have already explained that the D'Alembert roulette strategy follows a series of numbers. By increasing or decreasing your bet by one unit in each new round, you get a basic number sequence of 1-2-3-4-5-6 and so on - i.e. always ±1. In our example, one unit corresponds to 1 ETH. In a game round, you bet on Simple Chances until you win.

An example: You start with your basic bet of 1 ETH and place it on black.

If you win, you own 2 ETH, so you made 1 ETH profit.

If you lose, you now bet 2 ETH (1 + 1).

If you lose again, you bet 3 ETH (2 + 1).

If you win with the 3 ETH, you have a total of 6 ETH. Your account balance is now back to ±0.

Next you bet 2 ETH again because you have to go back one step in the sequence of numbers.

You continue to do this in the same way until you end up back with your basic bet of 1 ETH and win with it.

4. The Reverse Fibonacci Strategy

As with the D'Alembert strategy, the Fibonacci strategy also follows a series of numbers - albeit a somewhat more complex one. It is not without reason that this roulette system is named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci and his infinite sequence of numbers.

The numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are always the sum of their two predecessors.

Here is the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence:

1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – and so on…

Basically, most roulette strategies have either a positive or a negative progression. The classic Fibonacci system is based on negative progression, while the reverse Fibonacci system is based on positive progression. In concrete and simplified terms, this means:

The reverse Fibonacci strategy is far more common.

Advantages Disadvantages
low risk of loss requires a lot of patience
ideal for newcomers

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

With the Reverse Fibonacci strategy, the sequence of numbers is strictly specified and the progression is relatively flat. This results in the risk of a large loss being relatively low.

While with the regular Fibonacci strategy, you always move one number further to the right after a loss, with the reverse Fibonacci strategy you always have to do this when you win. In this way, you not only minimize your risk of loss, but you can also achieve significantly higher profits than just the basic bet, as with the normal Fibonacci system.

You only lose a game round if you lose the very first bet!

We imagine you are in your favorite crypto casino and choose 1 ETH as your first bet. Now you bet this amount on a simple chance. If you win, you simply have to follow the Fibonacci number sequence and move one number further to the right, i.e., first 1, then 2, then 3 ETH and so on.

But be careful: If you lose, you have to move 2 (!) places further to the left. So, for example, from 5 to 2.

5. The Parlay strategy

The Parlay strategy is based on a number sequence, just like our two previous examples, but here you can now create the number sequence yourself. That means nothing else than that you alone decide how much risk you want to take!

The Parlay strategy is a so-called positive progression system. This means: After winning, you increase the bet.

In addition, the Parlay system aims to occasionally put aside profits - with the aim of being in the black in the end and avoiding big losses.

Advantages Disadvantages
partial winnings are set aside possibly time consuming
hardly any major losses
beginner friendly
flexibility in the choice of risk
ideal for high rollers

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

As already mentioned, you can put together your number series with the parlay strategy and play an aggressive or safe parlay system depending on this. Both high rollers and newcomers can have fun with this strategy. However, particularly secure systems with many intermediate stages require a lot of patience. It can sometimes take several hours until you reach the end of the number line. For beginners, a series of numbers such as 1-2-2-4 is recommended, which can be played through quickly and represents a manageable risk.

So let's play the whole thing through fictitious again: Let's assume you bet 1 ETH on a simple chance. If you are correct, you will receive a payout of 2 ETH.

Now move one number to the right on your row of numbers. In the next step, you bet 2 ETH on the next round. This corresponds to your basic stake and your winnings from the previous game.

If you win again, you get 4 ETH and move up one place in your number sequence. And here comes the trick: In the series of numbers we gave as an example, there is now a 2 again. This means that you are now betting 2 ETH again. So, you can set aside 2 ETH as profit (1 ETH net profit) and still have 2 ETH in play!

If you win again, you reach 4 in the sequence of numbers and leave the whole 4 ETH on the table.

If you win again, you can have your proud win of 8 ETH paid out.

However, if you lose, you simply go back one step in the number line. So, you have to spend 2 ETH from your balance again, and so on…

If you decide on a sensible row of numbers and a moderate basic bet, the parlay strategy is a good choice for playing with relatively low risk. This roulette system is particularly suitable for beginners.

6. The Labouchere strategy

The Labouchère roulette system is also known as the smearing progression or split martingale. The tactic was developed by Henry Labouchère, a British politician and avid gambler. With the strategy named after him, Labouchere is said to have celebrated great success at the roulette tables of this world for many years.

And indeed: Even today, the strategy is still considered one of the most promising systems by ambitious roulette players.

Advantages Disadvantages
disciplined play beginners can have their problems
excellent for high rollers table or budget limits may be reached soon
flexible risk

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

At the beginning, you decide on a desired profit - of course, depending on how much you are willing to use as a stake. Then you create a sequence of numbers, the total of which results in the amount of the desired prize.

For simplicity, let's assume 10 ETH as the desired profit in our example. To accomplish this, we create a series of numbers with 1, 2, 3, 4. The total sum of this series of numbers is 10 - i.e. the amount of desired profit.

In the first game, you take the first and the last number of the sequence of numbers - i.e. the 1 and the 4 - and add them together. The sum is 5. You now bet this amount – i.e., 5 ETH – on a simple chance.

If you win, you can cross out the two numbers used and continue playing with the next two numbers. You walk on both sides of the row of numbers, from the outside to the inside. In our example, we have now reached 2 and 3.

But if you lose, you add the sum of the two numbers, i.e., H. 5, to the end of the number line (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For our next bet, we add the two outermost numbers in the sequence again – now 1 and 5. In this case, your next bet is 6 ETH € (1 + 5).

If you play until you have crossed out all the numbers in the list, you will definitely get a guaranteed win of 10 ETH in our example.

The Labouchere strategy is a slightly more complicated roulette strategy that is particularly suitable for players who already have some experience at the roulette table. With a little practice, however, even beginners can benefit from this betting system.

The Labouchère system helps you to show disciplined betting behavior and yet offers significantly more entertainment and interactivity than the Martingale or the Paroli strategy.

However, this system also harbors a certain risk. If you're on a losing streak, your number line will grow rapidly. Especially if you play with high stakes, you run the risk of reaching the table limit or exceeding your personal budget.

7. The Red System strategy

Tired of rows of numbers? The Red System strategy takes an entirely different approach. With this system, you no longer rely wholly on simple chances.

Instead, you bet on the third column and the color black. Since the third column contains 8 red numbers and only 4 black numbers, you cover 26 numbers per spin with this bet and only lose about 1 out of 4 games.

Advantages Disadvantages
extremely beginner friendly little chance of winning in the long run

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

Suppose you are in the online crypto casino of your choice and want to try the Red System strategy. You set your basic stake at 3 ETH. Now you have to bet 2 ETH on black and 1 ETH on the third column. This results in 4 different possible outcomes:

  1. A red number from the first or second column: 3 ETH loss.
  2. A red number from the third column: 0 ETH.
  3. A black number from the first two columns: 1 ETH profit.
  4. A black number from the third column: 4 ETH profit.

With a total of 4 numbers, you can win big. With a total of 14 numbers, you get a small prize. And with 8 numbers, you suffer no loss. You only lose with the 10 red numbers from the first two columns and the zero.

Of course, the Red System strategy can also be used to calculate whether the system is worthwhile for you or not.

With 500 games, your results would statistically look like this:

This results in a total loss of 417 ETH and a total gain of 416 ETH. So, you see: The advantage that the casino normally has can be reduced to a minimum thanks to the Red System strategy!

Of course, we assumed in our calculations that all numbers win equally often. In the real casino game, however, there are two factors that should not be underestimated: luck and coincidence! With the Red System strategy, you can at least get equal chances with the casino - but it is definitely not a guarantee of a win. 

8. The Shotwell strategy 

The Shotwell system is very similar to the previously introduced Red System strategy. Here, too, the aim is to achieve a profit through theoretical considerations and betting on a total of 10 numbers.

Advantages Disadvantages
extremely beginner friendly little chance of winning in the long run

How it works

Detailed instructions including example

The Shotwell strategy covers about 27% of all numbers on the roulette wheel, so theoretically you should win every fourth spin. Suppose you bet on the double street as well as on the four different numbers, each 1 ETH. The possible outcomes in a round are as follows:

The chance of winning in online roulette is always the same for all numbers. So, it doesn't matter which 4 numbers and which group of six you choose.

Whether the Shotwell Roulette System is profitable can be easily broken down using our example. On average, the results here are as follows:

So, in 100 game rounds you receive 36 ETH 11 times (rounded!), win 1 ETH 16 times and lose all your 5 ETH 73 times.

If you bet a total of 500 ETH, you will get back 492 ETH on average after 100 spins. Including the rounding of the results, you suffer an average loss of 2.7%.

The Shotwell strategy promises a lot of fun and excitement, but ultimately does not change your chances of winning.

Susanna Bock Author
Casino Strategist

Susanna is a casino strategy expert and crypto gambling pioneer who uses her mathematical knowledge to develop and share detailed analysis and strategies for online casino games and crypto gambling.

Last updated on 01/07/2024 um 9:38 p.m.